Make Google Plus Work For You
We just came across another great infographic from Quicksprout that is too good not to share.
It basically reinforces what I’ve been saying for a long time about Google+ and explains why you should be using Google+ to market your business online.
The infographic has some interesting stats about Google+, explains what it can do for you and gives tips on boosting your business on the Google Plus platform.
Google+ For SEO
Google+ is a part of the Google network, so as we pointed out in our article What’s All the Fuss About Google+ you really should be using it to your advantage to help send more search traffic to your website.
Optimising your Google+ page for the search engines is the first step, more importantly posting and promoting all of your new content on Google+ is a great way to attract more search traffic. Using hashtags wisely will also help get more eyes on your content.
We have been noticing posts on our Google+ pages have been getting indexed within a day or so, before the blog post they are linking to even gets indexed.
Authorship via your Google+ page
Linking your website and blog posts to your Google+ page allows you to have your profile picture from Google+ show up next to your website in the search results. This is known as Google Authorship. See example below.
It’s been proven that search results with Google+ authorship profile pictures have a higher CTR(Click Through Rate) than ones with no images. Your listing will stand out plus the profile picture gives a more personal feel to your website – people like to work with and buy from people.
UPDATE: Within a day of publishing this article Google have announced they are removing Authorship photos and Google+ circle counts from the search results, which we think isn’t such good news for marketers. Your name will still appear though and it will still link to your Google+ profile.
This update has started rolling out already and has received quite a considerable backlash from webmasters. Apparently the change has been made to make the search results less cluttered.
There’s some more information about the change in these blog posts below:
Google Removes Authorship Photos and Google+ Circle Counts From Search
Google Drops Profile Photos, Google+ Circle Count From Authorship In Search
Google Removes Author Photos From Search: Why And What Does It Mean?
Like we’ve said before you would be silly not to be using Google+ for your online marketing. With it being so tightly woven into the Google network and search results it is probably the most important social media platform to help with your organic SEO(Search Engine Optimisation) efforts.
There has been some talk lately of Google+ being phased out but we don’t think this is going to be the case at all. Watch this space!
Got a question about Google+ or need help optimising your Google+ page, feel free to enquire below.
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