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Byron Bay Web Hosting Support Center

Please let us know if you need a hand with anything

Email Support Tickets are our main form of helping you with any technical or other issues you may have. When submitting a Support Ticket please choose the correct department that matches your particular support enquiry.

How to submit a Support Ticket

Please click here to submit a Support Ticket via our ticket system and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also use our support ticket widget which you will see on the tab on the right hand side of your screen.

Please also remember to check in our Knowledgebase first to see if the solution you need is already listed in the articles. The Knowledgebase has many helpful articles on subjects such as Billing, Common Issues, Script Configuration, Script Installation, Maintenance and usefull Tips and Tricks.

There is an article filed under Tips and Tricks which explains how to create your own email adresses from within your cPanel.

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Australia's Premier Green Web Host

Check out our Eco friendly web hosting plans today and get your new web site project hosted green. Byron Bay Web Hosting is Byron's only green web host. Talk to us today about making your business greener.

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Client Testimonial

"I've been working with Simon at Byron Bay Web Hosting since 2008 and I am so grateful for all his help and advice over the years. As I am a graphic designer all the technical stuff goes right over my head, and Simon is always so patient and willing to help. His hosting packages offer fantastic value, and I have had nothing but the best in customer service. Issues are resolved quickly and I've never had a problem that he couldn't fix. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending him to all my clients."

Shelly Johnstone, Shell Graphic Design